Artist Statements
Paragraph about what this page is here
I have made countless journeys to a number of subarctic, Arctic, subantarctic and Antarctic destinations including Iceland, Greenland, Svalbard, South Georgia, and Antarctica. I am attracted to the sculptural beauty and the extraordinary atmospheric elements of these polar regions. My ice journeys have resulted in a number of stories.
In the David Lean film, Lawrence of Arabia was asked: “What is it, Major Lawrence, that attracts you personally to the desert?”
He replies: “It’s clean.” That line of dialogue has stayed with me many years, but I have wondered exactly what it means. I always looked at deserts as sandy, but perhaps he was talking about their psychic space.
The first successful seascape I made was of a wave at Sand Beach, Acadia National Park, Maine. It was an image of a wave caught at a unique time in its journey. A wave that danced. A wave that framed the islands behind. A wave that played with my imagination and confounded my sense of scale.
These images combine the emotional and physical elements of the landscape. Light, of course, combined with rock, soil, skeletal trees, fog, clouds, geothermals and time create moods of awe, bliss, solitude and, on occasion, anxiety. The canvases and moments that nature provides permits ways for me to document the psychology of the moment, later selected and processed as personal interpretation.
iphone Adventures
I am a DSLR photographer and usually make images of large landscapes, large both in the amount of space captured and the ultimate print. However, he intrigued me. I went home that evening and checked out the most popular apps. There was one called Hipstamatic that I started using.